Credit: Quitterie de Fommervault-Bernard

Credit: Quitterie de Fommervault-Bernard


Welcome to my blog. I document the latest reviews and releases of works I’ve written or translated, as well as lectures, interviews, and public appearances. Stay safe, stay angry!

Out Now: Primo Levi: No to Forgetting

Out Now: Primo Levi: No to Forgetting

"Never forget that this has happened/Remember these words." Primo Levi's goal was to never let people forget the rise of Fascism and the Holocaust—so that it would never happen again.

No to Forgetting is a new addition to the "They Said No" series, and the only book about Primo Levi for readers age 12 and up.

The Italian chemist and resistance fighter Primo Levi emerged from the hell of the Auschwitz concentration camp at the age of 25. As a testament to survival, he wrote what have become some of the most wrenching yet life-affirming books ever written about the Holocaust experience. Levi, who died in 1987, devoted his life to maintaining our collective memory of the Holocaust–insisting that we acknowledge and remember what happened. For future generations to never forget.

In the 1980s, Primo Levi met a young Italian boy, 11-year-old Vittorio. Vittorio is upset with his grandfather for refusing to explain his past experiences in the Holocaust. Because anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial ebbs and flows but never goes away, Levi understands that our memory of the Holocaust must be continually maintained, so he decides to help the boy uncover the buried secret. Primo and Vittorio's relationship is a jumping off point to tell the story of the life of one of history's greatest witnesses.

Noël Devaulx and Marcel Schneider in TYPO #6!

Noël Devaulx and Marcel Schneider in TYPO #6!

Out Now: George Sand

Out Now: George Sand