Credit: Quitterie de Fommervault-Bernard

Credit: Quitterie de Fommervault-Bernard


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Gomont's Brain Drain makes The Comics Journal's Best of 2021

Gomont's Brain Drain makes The Comics Journal's Best of 2021

Aug Stone names Pierre-Henry Gomont’s Brain Drain to his year-end best-of list at industry standard The Comics Journal (TCJ), from Fantagraphics, and singles out Europe Comics for continuing to provide quality European comics to American audiences.

Certain details surrounding the death of Albert Einstein are so outlandish as to sound like urban legend: namely, the theft of his brain by Thomas Stoltz Harvey, the pathologist who performed the eminent physicist’s autopsy. From these historical events, Pierre-Henry Gomont concocts a picaresque road trip of a tale by turns farcical and moving, whimsical and melancholy, sweeping up in its narrative whirlwind the FBI, a sanatorium, neurobiology, hallucinogens, hospital bureaucracy, and romance. In his dissection of friendship and the forging of scientific reputation, the nimble cartoonist serves up a slice of lovingly rendered Americana for the ages.



Pachyderme listed among "Top 21 Great graphic novel localizations from the first 21 years of the 21st century"

Pachyderme listed among "Top 21 Great graphic novel localizations from the first 21 years of the 21st century"